Lucid Humanity collaborates with organizations around the world to usher in a new era of humanity. We are part of a positive, intelligent, global movement.
Our largest expenses include sustainable real estate development, guaranteeing long-range ROI. Customized content in the science of consciousness sets us apart. We work with psychedelics as research tools, not for wellness, but we do work closely with plant medicine wellness practitioners and the retreat centers that support them.
We vitally need social capital. Realizing the LuHu vision also depends on investing in our tech and research departments.
The video embed does not work here. If you are interested in LuHu, please watch the brief Pitch Deck at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-9YbhNQRTM
We have all the requisite documents for investors including a longer version of the Pitch Deck.
Please contact sunshinekessler@me.com for more information.