Cognitive Liberty is Lucid. Therefore, one of the primary goals of Lucid Humanity is GLOBAL drug policy reform.

Global drug policy reform will take time, perhaps a few generations. Until then, we can learn from successful decriminalization initiatives in cities in the United States like Denver, Oakland, and DC, as well as some Canadian cities, and even some whole countries like Portugal and Uruguay.
If the United States takes the lead, the dominos will fall.
As more American cities adopt a harm reduction/decriminalization policy, the more regional and federal governments will take heed. And drug war dominoes can fall.
Lucid Humans: How Can WE Help?
Let's address local public health officials and first responders, with special attention to municipal governments and law enforcement leaders.
We are going to put together a HARM REDUCTION TASK FORCE KIT.
The kit will include a step-by-step strategy for lobbying for municipal policy reform. The strategy will include both written and verbal communications strategies making it EASY for people like you and me to take action NOW.
Proposed Kit to Include:
pre-written email to initiate the conversation
pre-written formal letters
pre-written speech outlines to allow for talks of various duration for different audiences.
Proposed content:
A. Statistics from successful cities
B. What harm reduction looks like, how it can respond to specific community public health/safety needs
C. Resource list such as Psychedelic Peer Support line at 62-FIRESIDE (623-473-7433), and the TripApp
D. Suggested action steps based on what leaders in Denver, Oakland, etc. did
Any suggestions? Please contact us!